Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ya don't know where ya are until ya get there...

And then someone moves it...

Libraries have to grow, acclimate, and adjust to their population (yes, that dreaded word, change...) And Library 2.0 is just the latest wave of that. It's exciting in a new way, in that the customers (not patrons anymore...) are actually wanting to participate in, not tell us, what changes they want and need. A coffee shop? Comfortable chairs (some of us did think of those...)? But special areas for teens? Letting the customers tag the catalog? Letting the public write reviews that go in the catalog? Yes, it's time consuming, but it's also what will keep us relevant, and will keep us attached to our public. Blogs on library websites with comments from the public certainly keep a dialog going. Certainly some of the Web 2.0 apps will be left behind, anything that isn't used all the time, or doesn't continue to grow and change. But new ways to interact and use the Web will not go away. is still here, and finally making a profit. Wikipedia keeps growing, despite being dissed by everyone--and even I have to admit, it's useful when you can't get to a full service/research library. And sometimes you can't, in the middle of rural Nebraska! But one of the things librarians have to remember, is, that our libraries must change. They have changed, they are changing, and to continue existing, they must continue to change. And keeping abreast of technology, and the change in the way the Web is used, is one of those changes. This change is very relevant, and actually, very library useful. So many of the Learning 2.0 can be adapted for use for the library, large or small.

I haven't been comfortable with everything I've done so far for our Learning 2.0 project...too rushed, I suppose...I'm behind. But I feel I'm getting the hang of more of it. And some of it I might not use again. Some of it , I'd like to use more often, like Flikr, and Technorati. I don't know about the blog, though. I'm still a little uncomfortable with that. But I think that' part of the learning process. I'll get to see how far it's moved this time, when I get there. b

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